

Let’s plant the Vine! Some planting tips and plant care.

PDF : Instructions

The favorable time for planting vines extends from March to May. The planting distance varies from 80 to 150 cm depending on the growing system. Plow the land intended to receive the plants to a depth of 30 or 40 cm. Poor quality soil (e.g. construction debris) will be advantageously replaced by good garden soil. Under no circumstances use manure or fertilizer for planting, possibly improve the soil with a little very wet peat.

1. Before planting, if possible, let the plant soak for a few hours in water.

2. Cut the roots 5 cm from the heel.

3. Dig a hole with a spade and place the base of the plant at a depth of 20 cm, taking care to spread the roots flat (against a wall, place the plant across to keep the base away from it) .

4. Cover the roots with fine soil, packing lightly, then fill the hole and water thoroughly.

5. Plant a stake next to the vine, it will be used to attach the young shoot which will form the trunk.

6. During the summer, let only the strongest shoot grow by tying it to the stake. For subsequent years (see size chart drawings below.)

7. Water the plant regularly the first year.

The susceptibility of the vine to diseases varies greatly depending on the grape variety and its location.

Powdering is enough to protect isolated vines. For large trellises, sprays are preferable. Seek advice from specialist stores selling these products. The vine is a plant that requires little fertilizer, thanks to its highly developed root system, it normally thrives even in poor soils. Sow fertilizer if necessary.

Management of the Vine until the formation of the trunk

Explication de la vigne pépinière

Insufficient vigor in 1st year:

We fold with two eyes at the 2nd year size.

The trunk will be formed in the 3rd year.

Explication de la vigne pépinière Domaine Rosset

Sufficient vigor in 1st year:

We form the trunk to the size of the 2nd year.

Planting of vines and stakes using a GPS-guided machine.

Instructions for plot preparation

- The plot must be worked to a depth of 30 to 35 cm.

- Before planting the land must be deeply milled or harrowed.

- Do not leave tractor wheel marks on future planting rows.

- For an ideal planting, the soil must be loose, not very clod and well dried.

- It is not necessary to make the frame; thanks to the GPS system you select 2 or 4 points and the computer takes care of everything.

- Preferably use 1 meter metal stakes. If you have any questions, contact us before planting day.

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